Scopri SIEDO Italian way of seating, il nuovo brand di Mobilsedia 2000.

In addition to our catalogs of upholstered furnishing accessories, we offer a customization and creation service based on a project and made to measure. We also offer very particular solutions such as sofas that transform into beds, precious sofas, chairs or armchairs in the Baroque style. Each of our works is created with care and love by those who know how to transform, shape the materials and choose the finishes, the best solutions that form the common denominator for elegance and comfort.

We produce upholstered furniture, sofas and armchairs, living rooms and daybeds, chairs and tables in a classic, deco and contemporary style. We work the best solid wood, fabrics and upholstery. Born in Verona, in the furniture area, we combine historical craftsmanship skills with a marked attention to the constant renewal of design. The lounges and small sitting rooms, the swivel and traditional armchairs, the seats signed by Mobilsedia 2000 are furnishing accessories studied down to the smallest detail with great attention to Made in Italy.